Call for registration: Rhine-Ruhr Epistemology Meeting 2022

Call for registration: Rhine-Ruhr Epistemology Meeting 2022
10 June 2022 (10am-6:20pm CET)
Department of Philosophy and Political Science, TU Dortmund
Emil-Figge Str. 50, 44227 Dortmund
* Peter Brössel (Bochum)
* Lars Dänzer (Duisburg-Essen)
* Anna-Maria Asunta Eder (Cologne)
* Filippo Ferrari (Bonn)
* Harmen Ghijsen (Nijmegen)
* Sara Mann (Dortmund)
This is the second meeting of the Rhine-Ruhr Epistemology Group. Our
members work on a variety of topics in descriptive and normative,
individual and social, formal and non-formal, and a priori and
experimental epistemology. The group aims at connecting epistemologists,
bridging different topics and methods in epistemology, and fostering
research in epistemology in general.
The programme will be made available at
* Please register by filling out the registration form at
* The deadline for registrations is 3 June 2022.
* The conference will be in person. Detailed access information will be
sent to registered participants one week ahead of the event.
* If you have any queries, contact simon.wimmertu-dortmundde.
* Organisation: Eva Schmidt and Simon Wimmer