Prof. Dr. Bob Sugeng Hadiwinata
With sadness, the Faculty announces that Prof. Bob passed away on 28 May 2019.

Bob was a friend, a brilliant mind as well as a distinguished colleague. He contributed to establishing our long collaboration with Indonesia in general as well as UNPAR in particular. We shall remember him in best memory and it will be our obligation to continue the co-operation in Bob's manner. Furthermore, we appreciate and wish to share Duncan McCargo's Tribute: Details.
Recurrent Georg Forster Visiting-Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Political Science, TU Dortmund University (funded by Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, host: Prof. Dr. Christoph Schuck)
Professor of International Relations and senior researcher at the Parahyangan Centre for International Studies (PACIS), Faculty of Political and Social Sciences (FISIP), Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung/Indonesia.
Co-researcher with a Border-Security Research Team of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) conducting research on “Border Security Issues: Indonesia and Timor Leste: an Indonesian View” (2006-08).
Designing and conducting democracy training for civil society organizations in Aceh (in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert Foundation, Jakarta) (6 months, 2006).
Member of Aceh Study Group, East-West Center, Washington, USA (2003-06).
Georg-Forster Visiting Scholar at the Department of Political Sciences, University of Giessen/Germany (12 months, 2004-05).
Coordination of a joint research project (in collaboration with OXFAM, Great Britain) on “The Challenges and Prospects of Fair Trade Campaigns in Indonesia” (2003-05).
Visiting Scholar at the Department of Political Sciences, University of Giessen/Germany (funded by the German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD) (2 months, 2003).
Member of the Indonesian Security Reform Working Group in cooperation with the People’s Representative Body (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat/DPR) and the Ministry of Defense (2002-04).
Head of the Master Program in Social Sciences, School of Graduate Studies, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung/Indonesia (2000-04).
Head of the International Relations Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung/Indonesia (2000-04).
Doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in politics, King’s College, Cambridge University/United Kingdom (2000).
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Sociology and Politics of Development, King’s College, Cambridge University/ United Kingdom (1995).
Master of Arts (MA) in International Relations, Monash University, Australia (1993).
Bachelor Degree (BA) in International Relations, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta (Indonesia (1988)).
International Relations, Indonesia’s role in ASEAN, conflicts and humanitarian interventions, aspects of integration and disintegration, dynamics of ethnic conflicts in Indonesia.
Publikationen (Auswahl)
Hadiwinata, Bob S. / Pakpahan Aknolt K. : Fair Trade: Sebuah Perdagangan Alternatif. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar (2004).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: The Politics of NGOs in Indonesia: Developing Democracy and Managing a Movement. London: Routledge-Curzon (2003).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: Politik Bisnis Internasional. Yogyakarta: P.T. Penerbit Kanisius (2002).
Hadiwinata, Bob S. / Schuck, Christoph (Hrsg.): Demokrasi di Indonesia: Teori dan Praktik. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu (vollständig überarbeitete indonesische Neuauflage des Buches "Democracy in Indonesia. The Challenge of Consolidation") (2010).
Hadiwinata, Bob S. / Schuck, Christoph (Hrsg.): Democracy in Indonesia: The Challenge of Consolidation. Foreword by Former Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlag (2007).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: Contending Perspectives of Australian Scholars’ Views on Indonesia, in: Purdey, Jemma (ed.): Ways of Knowing Indonesia. Melbourne: Monash Asia Institute.
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: Energy Conservation Policy Development in Indonesia, in: Thomson, Elspeth (eds.): Energy Conservation in Southeast Asia: Towards Greater energy Security. London: World Scientific, S. 161-178 (2011).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: Human Security in Europe and Asia: Between Rhetoric and Reality, in: Seidelmann, Reimund et al. (eds.): States, Regions and the Global System: Northern Asia-Pacific, Europe and Today’s Globalization. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, S. 141-156 (2011).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: Security Thinking in Asia: A Lukewarm Exercise beyond the Traditionalist View, in: Schuck, Christoph (ed.): Security in a Changing Global Environment: Challenging the Human Security Approach. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, S.153-180 (2011).
Hadiwinata, Bob S. / Augustin, Ivana: Democracy in Indonesia: Staggering towards Consolidation, in: Panorama Vol.2; S. 59-80 (2010).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: From Heroes to Trouble Makers: Civil Society and Democratization in Indonesia, in: Ufen, Andreas / Buente, Marco (eds.): Democratization in Indonesia. London: Routledge, S. 276-294 (2009).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: International Relations in Indonesia: Historical Legacy, Political Intrusion, and Commercialization, in: International Relations of the Asia-Pacific. Vo.9, No.1; S. 55-81 (2009).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: Building Civil Society Networks in Southeast Asia: The Role of External Agencies, Paper presented at International Cultural Forum, Bertelsmann Foundation and Vietnam Academy of Foreign Affairs, Hanoi, 12-13 November 2008.
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: Civil or Uncivil Society: Islamic Extremism and Democratization in Indonesia, in: Schuck, Christoph / Hadiwinata Bob S. (eds.): Democracy in Indonesia: The Challenge of Consolidation. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, S. 345-360 (2007).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: ASEAN and the ARF: the Building Up of Security Community in Southeast Asia and Beyond; Paper presented at the International Workshop on Global Security Governance, Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung, Shanghai, January 2007.
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: From Violence to Voting: Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Aceh, in: Missbach, Antje (ed.): Indonesia: The Presence of the Past (Essays in Honor of Ingrid Wessel). Berlin: Regio Spectra (2007).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: ASEAN and the ARF: the Building Up of Security Community in Southeast Asia and Beyond, in: Dialogue on Globalization: Current Situation and Future Prospects of Asia-Europe Security Cooperation, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Shanghai (2007).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: Bringing the State Back In: Energy and National Security in Contemporary World Politics, in: Global Vol.7: No.1 (2006).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: From Reformasi to an Islamic State? Democratization and Islamic Terrorism in Post-New Order Indonesia, in: Croissant, Aurel / Kneipp, Sascha (eds.): The Politics of Death: Violence in Southeast Asia. Münster: Lit-Verlag, S. 107-146 (2006).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: Poverty and the Role of NGOs in Protecting Human Security in Indonesia, in: Anthony, Mely C. / Acharya, Amitav / Emmers, Ralph (eds.): Non-traditional Security in Asia: Dilemmas in Securitization. London: Ashgate Publishers, S. 198-224 (2006).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: Indonesia’s Elections 2004: Results and Assessments, in: Croissant, Aurel (ed.): Elections in Asia. Münster: Lit-Verlag, S. 85-146 (2006).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: Muslim-Christian Relations in Indonesia: Religious or Political Conflict, in: IRU Internet Journal, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany (2005).
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: Deleting the Civility: Civil Society and Democratization in Indonesia, in: This Century’s Review (2006)
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: Regional Security Cooperation in Southeast Asia: Deviation or Continuity of the ASEAN Way; Paper presented at International Workshop on Global Security Governance, Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung, Shanghai, May 2006.
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: The State and Energy Conservation: the United States and Indonesia Experience; Paper presented at the Conference on Energy Security, East Asia Institute, Singapore, July 2006.
Hadiwinata, Bob S.: The Role of the Third Party in the Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Aceh; Paper presented at the conference and Conflict Transformation and Resolution in Southeast Asia, University of Khon Khaen, Thailand, July 2006.
A number of short articles on terrorism and inter-religious relations in Indonesia in several newspapers such as The Jakarta Post, The Strait Times, Bangkok Post