October 10–11, 2024: Feminist Analytic Philosophy

Feminist Analytic Philosophy
Since the mid-20th century, feminist perspectives have received considerable attention within the field of philosophy, particularly in areas often associated with 'Continental philosophy.' Within the 'Analytic' tradition, though, feminist approaches have been rather overlooked, marginalized, or even deprecated. However, in recent years, researchers across all subdisciplines of Analytic philosophy have increasingly recognized the value of feminist philosophy and have actively contributed to its development. This conference aims to share and discuss the latest research by bringing together speakers who work within a diverse range of feminist and analytic approaches to philosophy, uniting both established experts and early career researchers.
Thursday, Oct. 10 (Times: UTC +2)
9:30-10:00: Registration & Welcome
10:00-10:50: Sara Ayhan: Queer feminist logic & contradictory logics: A symbiotic relationship
10:50-11:10: Coffee Break
11:10-12:00: Silke Körber: L.S. Stebbing: The Quest for Clarity and Happiness
12:05-12:55: Anna Brożek: Research into the Phenomenon of Women in the Lvov-Warsaw School: Current Developments
12:55-14:15: Lunch Break
14:15-15:05: Marius Thienenkamp: Engineering the Gender Octonary
15:10-16:00: Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen: Wittgenstein, Language and Gender: Entrenchment, Resistance, Engagement
16:00-16:30: Coffee Break
16:30-17:20: Jasmin Trächtler: The Usefulness of Philosophy – Wittgenstein's Descriptive Method for a Feminist Metaphysics
19:00: Conference Dinner at Babushka's Kitchen
Friday, Oct. 11 (Times: UTC +2)
10:00-10:50: Leda Berio: Grabbing women by the waist: on the relationship between social norms, affordances, and scripts
10:50-11:10: Coffee Break
11:10-12:00: Kim Ann Woodley: Hidden Normativity in Emotion Detection Technology
12:05-12:55: Sara Uckelman (online): Logic Teaching as Feminist Practice
End of Conference/Lunch
Registration is free but mandatory. Please use the following link to register for on-site or online participation: Register here
The Zoom link for the online participants will be sent one day before the conference.
Organization & Contact:
Jasmin Trächtler (Technical University Dortmund)
Sara Ayhan (Ruhr University Bochum)
For any questions or inquiries please send a mail to: jasmin.traechtler@tu-dortmund.de or sara.ayhan@rub.de
The Venue:
Dortmunder U
Leonie-Reygers Terasse, 44137 Dortmund
The conference will be held as a hybrid event.