Dr. Frank Dhont

Gambrinus Visiting-Professor, Institut für Philosophie und Politikwissenschaft (host: Prof. Dr. Christoph Schuck)
Senior Lecturer, Institute of Asian Studies, University of Brunei Darussalam
Director, International Indonesia Forum (Details)
Department of History, Yale University, USA, Ph.D. in History (2012)
Department of History, Gadjah Mada University, Master of Humanities in History (2003)
Department of East Asian Languages, Lund University, Sweden, MA, BA in Indonesian (2001)
Research Project Member Stories through Memories: Kisah-Kisah dalam Kenangan with Janet Marles (James Cook University) and Maslin Jukim (University of Brunei Darussalam) (seit 2014).
Research Project Leader Traditional Rulers of Borneo in the 20th Century Era of State Formation. University of Brunei Darussalam, Institute of Asian Studies (seit 2015).
Publikationen (Auswahl)
Frank Dhont, “Outlasting Colonialism: Socio-political Change in the Javanese Principalities under the Japanese Occupation of Indonesia during World War II” (unpublished PhD thesis, Yale University, New Haven, 2012), 374 pp.
Frank Dhont, Nasionalisme Baru intelektual Indonesia Tahun 1920-an (Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 2005), 130 pp.
Maslin Bin Jukim, Janet Marles, Frank Dhont, Kisah-Kisah Dalam Kenangan: Stories Through Memories (in print, Brunei: Program Kesusasteraan Melayu, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, 2016), 50pp.
Frank Dhont, Tracy Wright Webster and Rommel A. Curaming, eds., Between the Mountain and the Sea: Positioning Indonesia (Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 2013), 476 pp.
Rommel A. Curaming and Frank Dhont, eds., Education in Indonesia: Perspectives, Politics and Practices (Yogyakarta: FIS Press, 2012), 279 pp.
Thomas J. Conners, Frank Dhont, Mason Hoadley andAdam Dean Tyson, eds., Social Justice and Rule of Law: Addressing the Growth of a Pluralist Indonesian Democracy (Semarang: Diponegoro University Press, 2011), 514 pp.
Frank Dhont, Kevin Ko, Thomas J. Conners andMason Hoadley, eds., Pancasila’s Contemporary Appeal: Re-Legitimizing Indonesia’s Founding Ethos(Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University Press, 2010), 380 pp.
Frank Dhont, Kevin Fogg and Mason Hoadley, eds., Indonesian Identity: Towards an Inclusive Democratic Indonesian Society: Bridging the Gap between State Uniformity and Multicultural Identity Patterns(Yogyakarta: Atma Jaya University Press, 2009), 411 pp.
Frank Dhont, Janet Marles and Maslin Jukim, ’Stories through Memories’: Enriching the narrative of history through the Memories of Survivors who witnessed the tumultuous events of World War Two in Brunei Darussalam (Dec 1941-June 1945) in Institute of Asian Studies Working Paper series 2016 (forthcoming).
Frank Dhont, “Aspiring Modernity: Japan’s role in World War I” in Jarosław Suchoples / Stephanie James (eds.), Re-visiting World War I. Interpretations and Perspectives of the Great Conflict (Berlin - Bern - Bruxelles - Frankfurt am Main - New York - Oxford - Warszawa – Wien: Peter Lang Verlag: Berlin - Bern - Bruxelles - Frankfurt am Main - New York - Oxford - Warszawa - Wien, In print 2016), 63-84.
Frank Dhont, “La résistance aux Philippines” in Encyclopédie de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, Guillaume Piketty and Jean-François Muracciole, eds. (Paris: éditions Robert Laffont, 2015), 622.
Frank Dhont, “La résistance en Indochine” in Encyclopédie de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, Guillaume Piketty and Jean-François Muracciole, eds. (Paris: éditions Robert Laffont, 2015), 623.
Frank Dhont, “La résistance en Indonésie” in Encyclopédie de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, Guillaume Piketty and Jean-François Muracciole, eds. (Paris: éditions Robert Laffont, 2015), 998-999.
Frank Dhont, “Les Pays-Bas et la reforme de leur empire” in Encyclopédie de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, Guillaume Piketty and Jean-François Muracciole, eds. (Paris: éditions Robert Laffont, 2015), 954-955.
Frank Dhont, “Coastwatchers” in Encyclopédie de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, Guillaume Piketty and Jean-François Muracciole, eds. (Paris: éditions Robert Laffont, 2015), 222.
Frank Dhont, “The Historical figure of Omar Al-Mukhtar and Islamic Martyrdom in Indonesia,” Al-Jamiah Journal of Islamic Studies 50, no. 1 (2012): (75-96).
Frank Dhont, “A Case of Romusha in Yogyakarta,” in Social Justice and Rule of Law: Addressing the Growth of a Pluralist Indonesian Democracy, eds., Thomas J. Conners, Frank Dhont, Mason Hoadley and Adam Dean Tyson, 493-514 (Semarang: Diponegoro University Press, 2011).
Frank Dhont, “Institutional Change and Continuity: Strategies of Rule in Malacca under Malay, Portuguese and Early Dutch Rule” in Sejarah Indonesia: Perspectif Lokal dan Global, eds., Sri Margana and Widya Fitrianingsih, 27-29 (Yogyakarta: Ombak, 2010).
Frank Dhont, “Building the Indonesian nation in the face of adversity” in Indonesian Identity: Towards an Inclusive Democratic Indonesian Society: Bridging the Gap between State Uniformity and Multicultural Identity Patterns, eds., Frank Dhont, Kevin Fogg and Mason Hoadley, 235-257 (Yogyakarta: Atma Jaya University Press, 2009).
Frank Dhont, “Pandangan Kaum Intelektual Nasionalis Indonesia Muda Akhir 1920-an Terhadap Demokrasi, Politik Lokal dan Otonomi” in Desentralisasi, Globalisasi dan Demokrasi Lokal, ed., Jamil Gunawan, Sutoro Eko Yunanto, Anton Birowo, Bambang Purwanto, 3-22 (Jakarta: Pustaka LP3ES Indonesia, 2004).
Frank Dhont, “Melati van Java and Abdoel Moeis: two great literary talents,” Lembaran Sejarah, 4, no.2, (2012): (64-87).