Dr. Annika Schuster

Emil-Figge-Straße 50
44227 Dortmund
Campus Adresse
Campus Nord
MSW 3a
Raum A0.09
Scientific positions
- Since 10/2023: Postdoctoral position at the project “UDNN: Scientific understanding and deep neural networks”, TU Dortmund.
- Since 09/2022: Associated research fellow at the project “Parametrized Frames and Conceptual Spaces”, HHU Düsseldorf.
- 09/2022 – 08/2023: Guest scientist at the research group “Concepts, Logic, and Reasoning”, Institute Jean Nicod Paris.
- 2016 – 2019: Research fellow at the CRC991: “The structure of representations in language, cognition, and science”, HHU Düsseldorf.
- 2012 – 2015: Student assistant at the Chair for Theoretical Philosophy, HHU Düsseldorf.
- 2016-2022: PhD in Philosophy at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.
- 2016: M.A. Philosophy at HHU Düsseldorf.
- 2016-2019: Research fellow at the Collaborative Research Center 991, HHU Düsseldorf.
- 2015: B.A. Philosophy (minor linguistics) at HHU Düsseldorf.
Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Science, Concepts, Logic and Reasoning, Philosophy of Biology.
Schuster, A. (PhD thesis, in preparation for publication). Prototype Frames – A probabilistic account of typicality.
Strößner, C., Schuster, A., Schurz, G. (2021). Modification and Default Inheritance. In: Löbner, S., Gamerschlag, T., Kalenscher, T., Schrenk, M., Zeevat, H. (eds) Concepts, Frames and Cascades in Semantics, Cognition and Ontology. Language, Cognition, and Mind, vol 7. Springer, Cham.
Schuster, A, Strößner, C, Sutton, P. & Zeevat, H. (2020) Stochastic frames. In: Proceedings of the Probability and Meaning Conference (PaM 2020), ACL Anthology.
Dapprich, J. P., Schuster, A. (2016): Philosophy and Logic of Quantum Physics, Philosophical Foundations of the Sciences and their Applications, vol 5, G. Schurz (ed.), Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main.