Dr. Philippe Brunozzi

Campus Adresse
Campus Nord
Raum 2.248
Emil-Figge-Straße 50
44227 Dortmund
Philippe Brunozzi is a Privatdozent at TU Dortmund. He works on contemporary Western and classical Chinese accounts of practical normativity and agency, as well as on contemporary Chinese social and political philosophy. His research interests include reasons for action, knowledge how and skill, joint action, and contemporary Chinese political theory.
Philippe Brunozzi studied sinology and philosophy at Trier University and Wuhan University. He received his PhD in sinology in 2009 (Trier University) and his habilitation in philosophy in 2023 (TU Dortmund). He was a wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the philosophy department of Kassel University (2009-2020), a Lehrbeauftragter at the philosophy department of FU Berlin (2015-2019) and a research professor at the philosophy department of Southeast University (Nanjing) (2020-2023). Since 2023 he is a Privatdozent at TU Dortmund.
Publikationen (Auswahl) / Publications (selcted)
- Normativity, Moral Reasoning and Human Rights. Engaging with Contemporary Chinese Moral Theory. Routledge (under contract).
- Himmel-Erde-Mensch. Das Verhältnis des Menschen zur Wirklichkeit in der antiken chinesischen Philosophie, Freiburg i. Br., Alber Verlag, 2011.
Edited Books and Issues
- Zhao Tingyangs Alles unter dem Himmel: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung, co-edited with Henning Hahn, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 7 (2020/1).
- Transkulturalität der Menschenrechte. Arabische, chinesische und europäische Perspektiven, co-edited with Sarhan Dhouib and Walter Pfannkuche. Freiburg i. Br.: Alber Verlag, 2013.
- ‘Is there a Confucian Expressivist Quasi-Realism?’, in Simon Blackburn Encountering Chinese Philosophy, edited by Huang Yong. Bloomsbury (to appear).
- ‘Moral Development and Moral Conflicts’, in David B. Wong: Metaphor and Analogy in Early Chinese Thought: Governance within the Person, State, and Society, edited by Kai Marchal and Ellie Wang, Oxford University Press (to appear).
- ‘Target-Centered Virtue Ethics: Aristotelian or Confucian?’ (co-authored with Waldemar Brys) Inquiry. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (online first)
- ‘Global Philosophy: Starting from Philosophical Theorizing’, in Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy, edited by Hans Feger, Xie Dikun and Wang Ge. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2023.
- ‘Wisdom, Deep Deference, and the Problem of Autonomy: Engaging with Being Cheng’, in Philosophy East and West 71 (2021/3), 582-602.
- ‘Armut in der chinesischen Philosophie’, in: Handbuch Philosophie und Armut, edited by Gottfried Schweiger and Clemens Sedmak. J.B. Metzler Verlag: 2021, 190-196.
- ‘Moral Progress: Between Justification and Innovation’, in: Global Justice and Global Philosophy, co-edited with Hans Feger and Henning Hahn, Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy, vol. 4. Berlin: de Gruyter: 2020, 295-313.
- ‘Moral Theorizing and The Source of Normativity in Classical Chinese Philosophy: An Outline’, in: Dao: Journal of Comparative Philosophy (2020), 335-351.
- ‘Normative Reasons and Moral Reasoning in the Mengzi and the Xunzi’, in Journal of Chinese Philosophy 44 (2017/1-2), 33-52.
- ‘How to Jointly Decide What Ought to Be Done? An Excursion into Contemporary Chinese Theories of Public Moral Justification’, in Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy, vol. 1, edited by Hans Feger, Xie Dikun and Wang Ge. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2016, 175-197.
- ‘Erkenntnistheorie in China’, (co-authored with Kai Marchal), in Lexikon der Erkenntnistheorie, edited by Thomas Bonk. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013, 300- 313.
- ‘Begründung ohne Konflikt’ in Transkulturalität der Menschenrechte. Arabische, chinesische und europäische Perspektiven, edited by Philippe Brunozzi, Sarhan Dhouib and Walter Pfannkuche. Freiburg i. Br.: Alber Verlag, 2013, 278-304.