Julia Dumin, M.A.

Telefon: (+49)231 755-6257
Emil-Figge-Straße 50
44227 Dortmund
Campus Adresse
Campus Nord
Raum 2.239
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Seit 04/2017 Doktorandin (Doktorvater Prof. Schuck) an der Professur für Politikwissenschaft
04/2017-03/2024 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Professur für Politikwissenschaft
10/2014 – 03/2017 Masterstudium Philosophie und Politikwissenschaft (MAPP) an der TU Dortmund
08/2013 – 12/2013 Auslandssemester an der Chungnam National University, Südkorea
01/2012 – 08/2013 und 01/2014 – 03/2017 Studentische Hilfskraft bei Prof. Dr. Christoph Schuck
10/2010 – 10/2014 Bachelorstudium der Angewandten Sprachwissenschaften mit den Komplementfächern Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie an der TU Dortmund
Martin-Schmeißer-Medaille 2017 für herausragende Abschlussarbeiten mit einem internationalen Kontext der Martin-Schmeißer-Stifung, Dortmund, für die Masterarbeit "Indonesia as a Potential Mediator in the South China Sea Conflict? An Analysis of Indonesia´s Role in the Southeast Asian Regional Political Setting"
“A Focal Point of Democratic Consolidation? Studying the 2017 Presidential Impeachment and Its Implications for the Democratization Process in South Korea”, IN-EAST Research Forum, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen (December 2021)
“Chances and Challenges for Regional Cooperation in Central Asia and Beyond: The Example of the Caspian Sea”, International Conference “Central Asian Security in the Current World Disorder: Challenges and Opportunities” in the context of the research-based professionalization project "Between Stability and Transnational Cooperation in Central Asia and between Central Asia and Europe (2016-2019)", conducted by TU Dortmund University and Bielefeld University, Almaty, Kazakhstan (September 2019)
"Impeachment and Democratic Transition Theory: Interrelations from the South Korean Example", International Conference "South Korea after the 2017 Impeachment: Implications for Democratic Consolidation", Department of Philosophy and Political Science, TU Dortmund University (November 2019)
"European Integration and European Identity: The Question of EU-Citizenship", Summer School "Regional Cooperation. Approaches from Central Asia and Europe" in the context of the research-based professionalization project "Between Stability and Transnational Cooperation in Central Asia and between Central Asia and Europe (2016-2019)", OSCE Academy Bishkek, Kirgizstan (September 2017)
Research stay in Seoul, South Korea (February/March 2018)
Visiting lecturer with the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Programme at Catholic University Parahyangan, Bandung, Indonesia (September/October 2017)
Internationale Beziehungen, Konfliktforschung
Politische Theorie
Demokratie- und Transformationsforschung
Regionaler Schwerpunkt: Nordostasien
Dumin, Julia (2022): Introduction. Conceptualizing South Korea’s Impeachment Case in the Context of Democratization Theory, in: Dumin, Julia (ed.), South Korea after the 2017 Impeachment. Implications for Politics, Society, and Democracy, Baden-Baden: Nomos, p. 9-22.
Beuter, Christopher/ Dumin, Julia (2020): Confin zum Verkauf. Das grösste Skigebiet der italienischsprachigen Schweiz auf der Suche nach Investoren, in: Heise, Matthias/ Schuck, Christoph (eds.), Letzte Bergfahrt. Aufgegebene Skigebiete und ihre touristische Neuausrichtung, Zürich: AS-Verlag, p. 154-189.
Dumin, Julia (ed.) (2022): South Korea after the 2017 Impeachment. Implications for Politics, Society, and Democracy, Baden-Baden: Nomos.