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Fakultät Humanwissenschaften und Theologie

08.04.2025: Einladung Buchvorstellung „Democracy's Destruction?“

Buchcover Democracy's Destruction? © Russell Sage Foundation
Prof. James L. Gibson, Washington University in St. Louis (United States)

Herzliche Einladung zur Buchvorstellung „Democracy’s Destruction?“

Datum:           08. April 2025

Uhrzeit:          10:15 - 11.45 Uhr

Ort:                 Raum 0.436, Emil-Figge-Str. 50


“James Gibson advances a cogent analysis showing that our national political institutions remain robust despite efforts to undermine them during and after the 2020 election. Loaded with critical empirical findings and normative implications, Democracy’s Destruction? is a book one will want to keep handy as we sort through future contentious elections and risks to democratic norms and institutions.”
BRANDON BARTELS, professor of political science, George Washington University

Gibson, James L. (2024): Democracy's Destruction? Changing Perceptions of the Supreme Court, the Presidency, and the Senate after the 2020 Election, Russell Sage Foundation

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Die Buchvorstellung wird auf Englisch stattfinden. Im Anschluss wird es die Möglichkeit geben Fragen zu stellen.

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Die Veranstaltung wird durch das tu.hosts Programm des Graduiertenzentrums der TU Dortmund gefördert.

Organisation: Daniel Gloris

Kontakt: daniel.gloristu-dortmundde

Buchcover Democracy's Destruction? © Russell Sage Foundation